
5/03/21 - Created the physics system, a single paddle, and walls. Made the ball go in any random direction.

7/03/21 - Added the down movement for the first paddle, as well as fixing the physics system for the paddle, allowing it to move without acceleration increasing. 

12/03/21 - Added the second paddle, modified the script for the second paddle to include a second player via the arrow keys up and down, a newball script to replenish the ball when it is removed by hitting the edge of the screen, and the score counter, detecting a goal and increasing the score by one for the relevant player. 

13/03/21 - When a player reaches ten points, the scene now loads which player won, and pauses time, causing nothing further to occur. Changed the paddles to function more optimally in avoiding stalemates when the ball goes side to side against the walls. 


  • Some code used was based on UTAS Unit KIT109 - Games Development


  • Ball starts moving in a random direction (but not between the angles of 330 and 30), so if it spawns upward, it begins at at least 31 degrees.
  • Ball bounces off paddles and walls at the reflected angle
  • Paddles left and right use W & S and Up Arrow & Down Arrow. They are locked to their axis, never moving sideways, rotating or get stuck.
  • Graphics for the ball, paddles, top and bottom walls, and the center line. 

Additional Features: 

  • Scores are shown for both players, and correctly calculate as play progresses.
  • Gameplay ceases when a player reaches ten points, stating which player won.
  • When the round ends (or initialisation of the game), the ball is created at the centre and starts moving in a random direction, starting at a consistent speed, but speeding up over time.

Known Issues:

  • Paddles still phase through the upper and lower walls.
  • Ball can still spawn 'down' though cannot spawn into an upright motion within a specified cone.
  • Graphics are simple off-white boxes of varying shapes. (Unsure if real issue)
  • No menu
  • No 1 player mode, or AI.

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